Evaluation Services

We understand how challenging it can be to show your organization’s progress and outcomes through data. That’s why we are here to help, using easy-to-understand language and engaging methods.

Who we work with

At Cheralynn Corsack Consulting, we're proud to work with both foundations and nonprofit organizations. This approach allows us to offer a unique perspective to all of our clients, holding the experiences and needs of both nonprofits and foundations while standing shoulder-to-shoulder to help drive your work. Working with us means that your organization can focus on making a difference in your community, while we provide the tools, insights, and visually engaging storytelling techniques you need to succeed.

  • Align your grantee supports and resources with your foundation’s strategy

  • Discover how your funding is leading to meaningful outcomes

  • Explore opportunities to better meet community needs


  • Easily measure how your work is contributing to the outcomes you hope to see in your community

  • Gain confidence with applying for grants knowing you have the tools and data to support your work

  • Allow your supporters to see how their funding is making a difference.


Our Services

  • Evaluation Design

    Whether you're in the process of designing a new program or looking to improve an existing one, we design an evaluation plan leading you from data collection all the way to making informed data-based decisions.

  • Data Collection

    We’ll help you identify what to measure and how we’ll collect the data. The methods we suggest will reduce the data collection burden on staff and participants and be kinda fun too!

  • Analysis

    We're passionate about helping you make sense of your organization’s data. We create space for you to dive into the analyzed data, add additional context needed to best understand it, and make data-driven decisions.

  • Storytelling

    We’ll help you turn those numbers and statistics into compelling narratives that bring your work to life. From funder reports to community-focused one-pagers, data can help you convey your organization’s work.

  • Find a Time to Chat with Us

    Evaluation can feel overwhelming. Let us help by scheduling a meeting to learn more!